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  • Writer's picturejoy engelman

Art is best when seen in reality!

Updated: Feb 5

Whilst online is nice; one can get a fair impression of what the image is really like I guess but for me, art needs to be seen as it is in a gallery or studio! Only then can one get the full effect of the image!

My works are inspired by my journeys out into the Australian deserts, an exploration of areas lesser known except to the very adventurous! Sturt's Stoney Desert is an area that whilst vast and seemingly barren, is filled with light and colour and energy that enthralls the viewer.

Attempts to capture this in the studio are thwarted by materials.... but I have found some glass powders that when added to the paints, captures the light and as one views the painting, there is movement and magic! Different times of the day will make the painting change in different ways.

This painting is selected as one of the "Director's Collection" to be opened soon at the Gang Gang Gallery in Lithgow. It is an impressive gallery and well worth the drive for an art's day out!

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